Bit of a sleep in today, I am starting to get used to this lifestyle, where is Brisbane anyway........
Today we just wanted to get a bit of a bearing on tours etc so off we went to Humpty Doo looking for the Didje factory. We found Humpty Doo, we couldn’t help but notice the number of roads closed. I sat down with one of the locals who wanted to know if Brisbane had changed much since he was there 30 years ago. I told him it was pretty much the same still just a big country town, he looked like he didn’t want to hear anything different.
It was suggested to us that a few roads were closed but I didn't realise that it was most of them.

The Didje Factory this is where you can buy a real fair dinkum Didjeridoo. We did want to buy one but we wanted to make sure we were not being ripped off. There are plenty of gift shops in Darwin city and the didjeridoos there are machine made and not painted by aboriginals. The proper didjeridoos are hollowed out by white ants and depending on the size of the internal cavity will create different notes. We spent about 2 hours at the didje factory being taught how to blow these things. I was hopeless but Trice took to it like a duck to water, must be those big lips and broad nose. Here she was didje on the side of her mouth making all the right noises while I was there still struggling to get my lips to vibrate. Finally I started to get the hang of it as the owner wasn’t going to let us leave until we could do it. Besides we were the only customers so she was having a bit of fun with us. Yes we did walk out with a ridgy didge didjeridoo. We have decided to book another 2 nights here as it is great to just stop and vegetate.

Why would you be surprised the roads are closed? They don't call it the big wet for nothing. Looks like your options for a road trip to Arnhem Land just went from one to none.